Thursday, November 13, 2008

Yeah I said it!

When does everyone stop blaming President Bush for everything? Yeah…I said it! And Yeah, I’m talking to you! Matter-of-fact, I believe that half of the people don’t even know what they are complaining about. Yeah, I said it! Half the people just hear other people and or the media complain about “how President Bush destroyed the economy and or the US's foreign appeal. After hearing the negative complaints, they go and act on it by telling their friends and or the other political party members about what they heard. Now, let me ask you this! Specifically, how are you and your household impacted by Bush’s reign as President? How were your friends impacted? Do you think that it would have been different or worse with Kerry? Do you even know?

Here is my bet. In most cases, half don’t really know, the other quarter wasn’t really affected, and the last quarter can't actually measure the adverse effect. Needless to say, most are looking for a spiritual lift and are not looking inward on leveraging the opportunity to build from within their circle of influence (Household, volunteering, friends, and family). It will take more than just a new president! We need to create a sense of urgency and empowerment to lift up all of the proclaimed doubt and turmoil. I kept hearing “no more eight years” during the presidential campaign! Now, we/I can personally say, “This is a new start”! However, I/we can’t say it if it really isn’t a new start! And how do I/we know it is a fresh start if I/we can’t address “personally” what went wrong during the old new start!

Yeah, I said it!

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